Since Dig Day, a lot has happened over this time. Our footers were poured, the temporary power was connected, and our foundation walls were put up and installed today, along with the sump pump. No big issues have occurred luckily, things have been going pretty smoothly thus far. Some rain was about the only thing holding up work, but the masons came and put up the walls yesterday and finished this morning. As of now, the next step is the waterproofing of the foundation, some plumbing, and then the framers coming to start laying lumber!!
Below was after the footers were poured. It had rained quite a bit, so there's lots of standing water around the lot. Additionally, there wasn't enough concrete was ordered, so one small section had to be finished later when the mason's came.
This is the unfinished section of the footer that was finished today.
This section below is where the egress window will sit.
The block for the foundation was delivered recently.
Soooo after all the rain, the site became somewhat of a swimming pool.
Tim came Monday of this week and put in a sump pump and drained out a ton of the water.
Before and After photo below, what a huge difference the pump made.
Mason's came and worked fast putting up our block.
Walls were finished today!!
Tim was working on getting the sump pump running (it had a slight hole in the hose, hence the wet spots. I'm going to patch that up for him this evening).
Momma and Lanie in front of their new home, standing more or less in front of the front door :-)