Last time we checked in, we had met with the electrician and had them rough in their materials, as well as plumbing and HVAC. The next task was our concrete. I ABSOLUTELY can't thank Ray (step-dad) enough for coming up and working with the concrete crew in making sure our concrete was poured and laid in just right, and the plan we had agreed to was implemented properly. He stayed from 7:30 in the morning and didn't leave until around 6. Long day, but it was worth it, our concrete looks wonderful and has all the right materials to be structurally sound for years to come. The pictures below show the concrete the with curing compound still drying on it. It was already solid and firm.
What came after that was the installation of our siding. The colors we put into place were absolutely WONDERFUL!! We loved how it turned out! The blue, gray, and white tied together beautifully!
Momma, Lanie, and Jaxon posing in front of our new home!
Next to come was insulation and drywall, so Mandie and I had to get our extra garage insulation in place. Wayne Homes only insulates interior facing walls and the ceiling of the garage since living space was above it, so we had around 270 square feet to cover.
Some of our insulation work below
Interior insulation below.
Drywall was delivered and was began last Friday. It was being done by 1 man!
The next few pictures were the work needed for the electric to pass inspection. They had to adjust the bolt and how it was installed.
This picture below shows the growth on the re we had to trim down, it's sprouted quite a bit at this point!
The pictures below show the progress to date of the drywall installation. Again, as of this point, it's been 1 guy doing it by himself.
The next few pictures show some of the extra plumbing that goes to the furnace.
While drywall was installed, the gutters and downspouts were installed. We, however, have to run the drains away from the house. so today I installed the temporary spouts.
As of today, Union Williams PSD has been working on installing the grinder tank for the house. They buried the tank somewhat today, but they have more work to do.
Lastly, we decided to go ahead and put our fire pit in place. Needless to say, we're pleased with all of the progress so far!